Support in Public and Private Funding

Support In EU Funding Illustration

Our Experience

Müncon advised multiple companies successfully in obtaining funding on EU and a national level. The project applications required deep understanding of both technological and business dimensions of these projects. For our clients, we developed project reports, including detailed budget calculations, analysis of spill over effect and conducted necessity and proportionality analysis.

Funding Gap Analysis

Notably, we are experienced in conducting the so-called funding gap analysis. This analysis breaks down of how much subsidies the company requires. Therefore, we create a financial model for the client’s future project. This includes all occurring capital expenditures (including R&D) and operational expenses along the project live. Additionally, we model future cash flows and revenues. On basis of that, we will calculate the funding gap.

Qualitative Aspects of an Application

Key to finding a match between funding and an applicant lies in the quality of applications. Applications must realistically state the impact of the technology or the business model regarding requirements. Typical requirements are stating a detailed Research and Development plan, underlining the innovativeness of projects and showing how the project supports certain political goals (e.g., sustainability). As we have worked on multiple applications before, we are consulting companies in how to appropriately fullfill these requirements

Project Management Support

We stay a companion for our partners even if the investment is obtained. Our offerings are tailored to the customers’ needs: From setting up the project, to multiple project/strategic/team workshops with employees, over active project management to reporting activities. As either authorities or investors have clear requirements for the companies they invested in, Müncon closely monitors if the requirements are fulfilled. In the case of public support, we have vast experience in what pitfalls await companies during the project phase.

Still missing something? We are always adapting, and our team would be glad to help you with any of your concerns.

M" Insights

Müncon supports you in finding the right funding

Müncon helps your company to find the right funding for any given technology or business model. As partner, we will present you different funding possibilities and guide you through the process. In a multi step analysis, we will understand if your company would be eligible for financial support and where future potentials lie. We have a broad knowledge of all available public support programs and a wide network of investors.

What is private funding / private investement?

Private funding describes funding from a non-governmental, no-state, no-federal source. Private investors, banks (not state owned) or private equity funds are typical examples. Those investments are typically negotiated individually with the investors can be obtained rather quickly.

What is public funding / support?

Public funding describes funding or investment by a governmental organization. In Europe, such fundings can be granted by the European Union, the European Commission (like the IPCEI program), national governments like the German or French one, and EU or national organizations (like EIT). Those fundings are generally very formalized, have transparent application rules and clear timetables for both application and implementation phase.

EU Project Application Support, Evaluation and Implementation

Regarding public funding, Müncon focuses on the European Market.
From regional to EU subsidies, we guide companies through the complex
application process (see “Our Experience”). We accompany applications from the first talks with authorities to the project support and implementation. Müncon acts in several roles here – communication with authorities, coaching employees in writing proposal and evaluating existing applications. From our learnings from past projects, we derive multiple best practices for the application of the company.
Regarding our experience in implementation of projects, we know which aspects in applications must be included and how feasible each aspect is. Furthermore, we keep track during the implementation which requirements from the application are binding for the project outcome.

Support for Securing Private Investment

In private funding, we support SMEs, start ups or projects from start to finish. First, we determine which type of investment is the most suitable (equity or debt financing). In the next step, we support you in creating a suitable investor and pitch deck, where we also help to aggregate data and share our insights in what is valued by investors. Furthermore, we then find suitable investors – from Venture Capital to Private Equity to Family Offices or private investors. Eventually, Müncon offers to accompany the deal process and due diligence, as well as changes in the companies caused by the investment.
One of our focus is funding by the European Union

Our Support Along the Investment Timeline

Investment Phase


Finding the Right Investment Type

Supporting in Funding Application

Create/Support for Investor Deck

Deal Closing


Accompany Investment Process

Preparing Formal Investment Documents

Public Funding: Communication with Authorities

Due Dilligence support

Project Management


Setting up Project Plan

Onboarding Employees Regarding Funding

Operational Support

Reporting & Montoring

Are you applying for European funding or looking for Private Investment Opportunities?